New Plan

I have a lot of ideas. Those ideas should be books in my opinion. So, I need to write a lot of books, and I have a plan for that.

What is this plan you speak of?

I’m still set on publishing my books traditionally, so using what I know of the system, I’m going to go about this in the most logical way. I’m still querying my current YA fantasy, we’ll count that as a step zero on the plan, and I’ll keep to that. To query that, I’m focusing on agents who specialize in YA, not YA fantasy because most agents don’t go that specific, but YA fantasy is not all I want to write.

That brings me to the big thrust of the plan. While I query, I’ve organized and will write my next projects to expand my range. My planned order is YA paranormal, MG fantasy, and adult sci-fi.

Is there a reason for that order?

Yes! When querying, agents don’t want to be queried more than once with the same project, but most say to keep them in mind for future projects. I know that is a nicety, but I’m taking it as true. At the same time, that would mean limited choices. If I try different genres and age ranges, I won’t keep bothering the same people.

But wait, aren’t YA fantasy and paranormal almost the same?

Well, yes… most wouldn’t even say those are different genres…

I may have thought of this plan after doing some prework on the YA paranormal novel. It would fit better with the plan to push that one further down the list, but I’m in too deep to stop now, and a rolling stone keeps the attention of a person with ADD. Anyway, it isn’t like the two books are the same. The worlds are very different, and the main character of the first would get bullied by the main character of the second. So, the next book is YA paranormal.

The big milestones seem set, what about the steps to get to them?

That is another yes. I’m already working on the background for the next novel with the goal of starting the actual writing by November. It was supposed to be part of NaNoWriMo, but with all the controversy around that, I think it is just November as a goal. As for the rest of the novels, I’m going to try for one per year. We’ll see how that goes.

In the moments between, I’ll be working on some short stories for contests and general ideas I have. Again, we’ll see how that goes.

Got anything else?

This isn’t enough? No, that’s it for now. Happy writing ahead.

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